And here's where I disagreed:
None of their admins and presumably the person asking the question are medical professionals, and the question was if and how they should share with Facebook acquaintances all the dangers of inducing labor, circumcision, etc. I said (in essence--I could tell you more accurately but those assholes deleted my comment) that they should share their reasons behind their choices, but not assume the other person is wrong to listen to their doctor. I even posted a second commenting hollering at my own Facebook buddy who had a different opinion, saying, "hey! We had a really different take on that!"
And then the shit storm made landfall.
The asshole of an admin mocked people saying the question asker was judgmental and if you don't respond according to their positions, you shouldn't respond at all. Obviously, I couldn't let that sit, so I pointed out that their comment was critical and judgmental and advocacy is NOT only from your perspective. Look, advocacy, particularly around health and children, is a passion of mine and part of my job. But I consider advocacy to include more positions than just my own. You know, dialogue, compromise, evolution of ideas and thoughts.
But oh no, not for Motherwise. Those bitches be fully evolved. I know this, but I can't tell them because they blocked me from ever commenting again. After posting about how disturbing it is to have people say anything in disagreement with their "evidence-based" parenting philosophies. Really? Disturbing? That was all it took to upset you?
Well, you really won't like this: some of your positions are not evidence-based. They're trendy. They might even be perfectly fine. I even do some of them because I think they're better for my family. But evidence-based? Nope. Here are the ones I can say right off hand are not actually supported by actual scientific evidence:
- Vaccine education versus actual vaccination
- Gluten-free diets for those without allergies or sensitivities
- Against routine circumcision
- In favor of bed-sharing and family beds
Well, I did enjoy seeing the answers to some questions, but it's a community site. If I can't be part of the community, with my functioning and independent brain and all, I will not like you at all, Motherwise (although I truly appreciate that you think your content is valuable enough that my misguided self shouldn't miss anything). I think you guys are kind of sanctimonious assholes.
Here are some groups I have enjoyed:
- The Leaky Boob
- 100 Days of Real Food
- I Am Not the Babysitter
- The Badass Breastfeeder
Any others?
You hit the nail on the head with this!